Newest technologies bring element of magic and surprise into marketing communication. Origami continually tests new solutions and make them available in products offered.
Optically variable materials
The use of optically variable materials, such as metal-coated phoenician one-way mirror, combined with modern adjustable LED lighting, enables creation of truly magic effects, giving the impresssion of disapearring objects, at the moment when the light is dimmed.
Metal FX Offset Printing
MFX is an advanced solution offering metallic hues reproduction in offset printing, using specially formulated CMYK inks and metallic base silver or gold ink. Ideal for exclusive art and corporate prints as well as packaging.
Lenticular Printing
Lenticular printing, know also as 3D printing, allows three-dimensional world or animation on flat media. Advance in printing technology brought quality and availability of this solution to new levels. Commonly used lenticular films yield screen rulings from 35 to 150 lpi. Prints are clear and vivid, which makes the technology ideal for POS and packaging production.
UV Curated Printing
W technologii druku UV, światło UV powoduje polimeryzację i natychmiastowe utrwalanie farby na drukowanej powierzchni co jest bardzo istotne zwłaszcza w przypadku druku na różnego rodzaju tworzywach sztucznych. Materiały drukowane w tej technologii mogą być eksponowane wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz pomieszczeń. Druk tą technologią gwarantuje bardzo dużą ostrość wydruku. Technologia ta pozwala na położenie większej ilości farby przez co kolory są bardziej nasycone. Jest to niezwykle istotne w przypadku stosowania wszelkiego rodzaju podświetleń materiałów drukowanych.
Water-based Latex Printing
Latest in large format printing, latex technology is based on water-based inks, and delivers practically odorless printouts, suitable for indoor use, especially for products having contact with children.